Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Family Relations Post #3

This past week in class we talked a lot about mate selection and why it is that we scientifically end up choosing the people that we do.  I have contemplated on this a lot this week because I have always wondered why it is that we are drawn to some people, yet not to others.  We learned about a few different criteria that we use in choosing a mate, or significant other.  First we talked about "propinquity" - which basically means that you tend to favor those who live around you, not only because it is convienient, but also because people who live in a close proximity to each other often share similar values and cultural outlooks.  We calso talked about physical characteristics and "familiar" similarities.  We meantioned how those who choose each other often have physical similarities, and I have heard that my fiance and I could be "brother and sister" (which we dont really like, but it proves a point).  I just thought that it was a really cool experience to be able to look at our relationship compared to what we learned in class, because everything that Brother Williams mentioned was true for us.  Our relationship struggled when we tried long distance.  We broke up because of it.  But now that our propinquities are more in line with each other, we are back together.  We also have a lot in common, especially our love for the gospel which makes things a whole lot easier than if our views were different.  I loved this lesson and I'm grateful for Brother Williams for preparing it for us.

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